Friday, December 16, 2011

A sigh. Relief.

The trade is finished. Finis. So much more to do with this series, but this first volume and verse are committed to the page. I. Can breathe.

But only for a minute.

Some resolutions for the New Year:
  1. Thesis will be completed and defended in January. (Yeah, yeah, Summer's way over. Shut up.)
  2. I'm going to start posting some honest-to-god writing on this blog. A piece of fiction or an article every month. My words sans pictures. (Yes. Mean it.)
  3. I'm going to do a pull-up. I've resolved to do this every year for the last seven and now it is time. Running, core training, a little cross-fit action--maybe. But I will do a pull-up in 2012.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A movie about cancer

This article was good. The movie looks like it's going to be great. One of the lines that struck me in the Huffington piece was that the friends sat down to talk about who was supportive, who was insensitive, who was on and off, and they were glad they did it--had the conversations--because it made the movie and their friendship better.

My mother had cancer. I love her and I'm glad (make that grateful!) she's still here. But the only thing conversations ever do in my family is make the movie better.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dreaded Thesis

I made a promise to my husband in the carefree Spring of my good intentions that I would have my thesis completed by the end of the Summer. The days grew long...and I worked on POE TWISTED and AZTECA instead. Still am. And now it's the second half of August.

I HAVE to get this effing thing done!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

IMDB goodness

"Award winning film." I am the writer of such. Ha! Feels good, not gonna lie.

FRIENEMIES won two awards at American University's Visions Ceremony, a CINE Golden Eagle and has been accepted into both the L.A. and D.C. short film festivals. And I have an IMDB page now. Hell. Yeah.

See the trailer. And if you happen to be someone I knew in high, it's not about me or you or anybody else we knew. We didn't even have cell phones back then. ;)

FRIENEMIES - Trailer from Anthony Brenneman on Vimeo.

"Like" the film on Facebook.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Anthology muscle

Poe Twisted #1, by Dirk Strangely
"Anthologies are death." Helpful musing by Dan Vado from Slave Labor Graphics when I told him what's next for Red Stylo Media (RSM). AZTECA is on auto-pilot at conventions until it's time to start formatting Issue #3 and the trade, so all I can do is begin to lay the groundwork for the next project. An anthology was a great way to get product together and work on something fun. Plus, I'm in it!

The death comment was really more about money, I think. They don't (necessarily) sell. And you're juggling people to get the thing done--artists, writers, layout folk. And THEN the submissions might not be very good. People like anthologies, as in they like to be in anthologies. I personally don't know anyone else who reads them.

But I like them and I like to read them--when they're good. Pet peeves when it comes to random collections of work:
  1. No theme.
  2. Uninteresting or confusing art.
  3. Weak or confusing stories.
I'm going to go way out on a limb and say that I've specifically only taken entries from folks who were not in danger of committing any of these aforementioned sins. To the point where I probably-- No. I did.--step on toes to get the shotgroup tight. But come on...we're writing after Edgar Allan Poe.   Be there.

New Beginning

New and improved. This will be my new site for all things Enrica J. and not Red Stylo Media....ah, who am I kidding. Anything I do will probably go on all the sites I have. I do own the company...

Check back for all the latest and greatest.