Monday, February 24, 2014

Eileen Picture

We were in my mother-in-law's kitchen the day after Thanksgiving three years ago, using leftovers and some other quick items D had picked up from the store for a breakfast casserole. Eileen had been bustling around and active since 5AM. Something about folks of a certain age, sleep comes less easily, I guess. We were bunking on the couch in that little apartment, though, so if she was up, that meant we were all up. I perched on the counter while she put it all together, nursing a cup of coffee, one eye still closed and sleepy, and the other tracking the ingredients for this family recipe she assured me the men in her family raved about.

Among the items I remember: two tubes of crescent rolls, a dozen eggs, a pack of cream cheese, god knows how much more cheddar. And then that box of butter.

"Hand that to me, will ya?"
"Sure. A stick?"
"All of it."
"You use it all?" Awake now. Checked the box. "Eileen, this is a pound." I started laughing. "I have never seen anyone use twelve eggs and a whole pound of butter in anything before."

She shook her head at me in that mother-in-law way and said, "Well your virginity's just gone now, isn't it girl."

Eileen, you grieved your husband until your very last day, but I know there were signs at the end that you were coming back to us. At least trying. And all the pictures and family keepsakes we've found in boxes and boxes tucked away, spread out for acres, I'm sure. That's your fortune, and a beautiful legacy for all of us. So much love.

Thank you for everything, lady. For sharing your family, and for forgiving and loving us all at the end. Kisses to John from us when you see him. Rest in peace. So long.

"So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:6-8

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